
About Us


佳繽旅行社是由負責人彭文欽領導同仁所組成,公司成立於民國一百零二年一月一十八日,雖是新成立的公司,但公司同仁旅遊業平均資歷超過十八年以上;舉凡從國民旅遊、商務旅遊、國外旅遊的企劃和安排….等皆是業界的佼佼者。 所以~您絕對可以放心的把團體旅遊或商務安排交給我們的團隊來處理。從以前到現在已經承辦過無數的公司行號員工獎勵和招待旅遊,深獲消費者厚愛;所以累積了大小各型之Incentive Tour之操作經驗與無數之成功範例,所承辦過的公司和工商團體、扶輪社、獅子會、青商會…等國內、外團體非常的多。而上市上櫃公司的公司機票也是我們企業行銷這一個專案部門的強項部份,在我們堅持品質和帶團領隊的操作下,客人的滿意度和回收度更是對公司行程一種無形的助益;佳繽旅行社全體同仁非常珍惜並秉持著專業知識、快速處理、合理價位來滿足您的要求。這也是我們公司要成立的宗旨。 本公司的團隊也在多年的旅行社工作經驗中特別創辦了專營高爾夫產品的『泰高竿』市場獨賣產品,並且做了全世界的註冊商標。當消費者看到這個產品出現在我公司的產品中,也就是代表著品質、專業、信任、服務。

Colorful Tour Profile

Colorful Tour is a newly established company in 2013 early with set of carefully selected and trained personnel who hold years of experience in the travel & tourism business. Company since its birth has handled several expedition large and small tours for individuals from Taiwan as well as from around the world. We have business partners in many countries of the world including the most reputed operators in Mauritius , Madagascar & Kenya. We have contracts with all major hotels , airlines and service providers in Taiwan and other countries including Mauritius,USA , UK, Europe , China , Japan, Thailand , Singapore. Mission Statement Colorful Tour aims to provide the top quality service to our clients while keeping the costs in control. we aim to provide high quality service at best possible price. At present , Company deals in the following services. Inbound tour operation all over Taiwan including . Ground travel handling . Ground transportations including High Speed Rail . Golf tour holidays .Hotel reservation all over Taiwan .Special Incentive and team building tour in Tawian Outbound tour .Premier Golf Tour, .Conference & Incentive travel .Group tours for Mauritius, Kenya , Madagascar , Iran, India and Europe .Luxey Packaged holidays Corporate Travel . Air ticket reservation / ticketing . Transfer service . Hotel reservation . Itinerary planning & consulation General. Manager Charles Peng


  • ▪ 非 洲:肯亞、模里西斯、馬達加斯加、納米比亞、百國系列
  • ▪ 亞 洲:蒙古、印度、伊朗
  • ▪ 歐 洲:冰島極光、西葡摩三國、希臘
  • ▪ 中美洲:墨西哥、古巴、中美洲九國


10492 台北市復興北路2號7樓之13
TEL: (02)87724126
FAX: (02)87724127